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Early Years Curriculum 

EYFS Leader - Mrs Dolby 


We have a wonderful Early Years Unit at Foxhill Primary School! We believe that all children deserve the care and support they need to have the best start in life. It is the very heart of what the school is striving towards and we are relentlessly pursuing the target of giving ALL children, particularly the disadvantaged and vulnerable, the ‘flying start’ that we know they need.We have a 30 place Reception class and also a 24 place Nursery setting where children can do 15 or 30 hours a week. Reception Class and our nursery setting are ran by qualified teachers and supported by a Nursery Nurse and a teaching assistant.

EYFS In Action

At Foxhill Primary School we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework which is provided by the Department of Education. The framework sets out seven areas of learning and development, which are split into prime and specific areas.


The prime areas are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development


The Specific areas are:



Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design


 Our curriculum is delivered predominantly through play and the children are taught in a play-based learning environment, as we understand that play is an integral part of learning. We believe that the correct mix of adult directed and uninterrupted child-initiated play ensures the best outcomes for pupils. Children are taught both inside and outside and are stretched and challenged to reach their full potential. We work hard to provide a stimulating environment that provides exciting opportunities, promotes challenge, exploration, adventure and a real love of learning. Our provision both inside and out changes regularly and allows children to problem solve and learn through different elements of play. We map out our curriculum for the year to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our children and are covering the 7 areas of the Early Years Curriculum. 

Reception Curriuclum

Nursery Curriuclum




At Foxhill Primary School we provide our children with the knowledge, skills and attributes to build the foundations of learning and equip them to succeed in future life. We aim to ensure that our children develop a love of learning alongside being independent and confident to tackle new challenges. Within the Early Years, our curriculum is designed to provide all children with the opportunities and experiences that they need in order to develop positive dispositions and attitudes to be able to succeed as learners and in life. We take into account the backgrounds that many of our pupils come from and, as a result, the EYFS have planned learning opportunities that are heavily weighted around Personal, Social and Emotional Development and upon developing pupils’ ability to acquire a wide vocabulary, communicate effectively and interact positively. We understand the huge impact acquiring a wide and varied vocabulary at an early age, can have on a child's future prospects and so create a ‘language rich’ environment through songs, nursery rhymes and the use of quality texts. Our curriculum in EYFS is built around the CUSP structured storytime. This means our curriculum is built around core texts which contain key themes, ideas and language that are fundamental for laying strong foundations in the EYFS and beyond. The CUSP structure also leaves space in the academic year for school to select key texts based on the cohorts that they are teaching, which we aim to make relevant and purposeful often making links with our local area. We aim to foster excellent attitudes to learning by providing effective and timely adult interactions to ensure that learning is instantly captured and enhanced. All staff have high expectations and we aim to immerse our children into a language rich environment. We provide children with a secure, nurturing, stimulating environment where learning through play is at the heart of all we do. We foster a love of learning by ensuring that we capture and learn through the children’s interests as much as possible. The aim within EYFS to ensure that children develop a sense of belonging in school and are prepared for the next phase of school life and we focus in particular in ensuring that all children have developed a secure base of early reading skills and phonics.



At Foxhill Primary School we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework which is provided by the Department of Education. The framework sets out seven areas of learning and development, which are split into prime and specific areas.The prime areas are:-Personal, Social and Emotional Development -Communication and Language -Physical Development The Specific areas are:-Literacy -Mathematics-Understanding of the World-Expressive Arts and Design. High quality teaching and learning is based on a planning approach centered around children’s individual needs and interests. Staff are knowledgeable about the prime and specific areas of learning and these underpin our planning and provision enhancements. They are becoming experts in the teaching of phonics, as a result of a recent training programme that all teachers in Y1 and EYFS have access to. Staff generate an enthusiasm for reading and a love of books whilst effectively teaching new ideas, concepts and vocabulary. Parents are involved and engaged in supporting their child to learn to read through parent workshops, information leaflets and sessions where parents are invited to come in and read with their child. A comprehensive mathematics curriculum is taught and then embedded through the wider curriculum. Children have access to a high-quality learning environment covering all the required areas of learning. We enhance our provision regularly to keep the children engaged and motivated, and we provide challenges to encourage children to access all areas of the learning environment and develop their independence in their learning. We aim to ensure that our challenges and resources are open ended and allow children to problem solve and share their own ideas. All children, including those who have additional needs participate equally. Children with Special Education Needs will have the Early Years curriculum adapted according to their needs and in consultation with SENDCO where needed. Staff are skilled at asking questions that encourage children to think more deeply about their learning, to extend their use of language across the curriculum and to make connections in order to embed new learning. Staff weave vocabulary into children’s play and model correct speech and language. Regular opportunities are planned to reinforce new learning and for staff to check understanding. Assessments are relevant and purposeful, leading to improved outcomes for children. All pupils’ basic needs are met through the provision of a safe, stimulating and secure environment and staff regularly reinforce messages about how to stay safe and healthy and to ensure that their friends do too. We understand the importance of parental engagement and believe that our parents have a crucial role to play in their children's education. We work hard to create strong partnerships between home and school. Parents receive topic webs to inform them of what their child is learning each week on our school website. We share 'Wow' moments that happen in school through every child's learning journal on Tapestry and encourage parents to share 'Wow' moments that happen outside of school too. We plan many events throughout the year where parents and carers are invited into school so that the children can share their learning with them.



Our continual assessments of children’s progress is monitored closely and evidenced through our whole class and individual learning journeys. By the end of the Foundation Stage, the vast majority of children read accurately and are starting to develop fluency in their reading. Their vocabulary and understanding of language is good and most children achieve the early learning goals, particularly in mathematics and literacy, representing high achievement. Children enjoy their learning and the majority participate eagerly and enthusiastically. Most of the children at Foxhill look back fondly on their time in early years. Staff develop a fantastic understanding of each child’s personality and attainment, and are able to provide next steps and intervention where needed as a result of being present in our provision areas. As a result of the creative, stimulating environment we provide, by the end of the Foundation Stage children flourish and develop into confident, motivated and independent learners, who understand right from wrong and are ready for the next stage of their education. The Reception and Year 1 teacher work closely together at the end of the academic year to share each child’s learning journey and highlight the next steps for the children moving into year 1.


What is Tapestry?


Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s wow moments during their time in Phase 1 at Foxhill. This system allows us to work and communicate with parents and carers to share information and record the children’s play and learning in and outside of the classroom.


How does Tapestry work?

Tapestry provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in. All our staff are given a secure log-in. They can then upload observations, photos or videos of Wow moments; recording children’s achievements and assessing their learning in reference to the EYFS curriculum. Parents can change their settings so that an email is then automatically generated informing them when an observation has been added so they can have a look and add any comments of their own. You will receive a letter before your child starts at Foxhill explaining how to set up and access your account.


Who can access Tapestry?

You can choose to share your log in details with extended family if you wish, so they can see your child’s Learning Journal.


How can I view my child’s Learning Journals?

Once logged in, you will see your child’s observations on your home screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to – and we would love to receive such comments! You can also upload observations of wow moments or achievements that your child completes outside of school, and we also use Tapestry for Show and Tell each week.


How do I know that my child’s Learning Journal has been updated?

The system will automatically send you an email when an observation for your child has been added.


Who can access my Child’s Learning Journal?

At school we have access to all of the children’s Learning Journals. The only other people that can see your child’s account will be yourselves and anyone that you share your log in details with, such as Grandparents etc. If your child is featured in a group observation, their photo may appear in another child’s Learning Journal if you have given consent for this.

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