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Computing at Foxhill

Mrs Dean - Computing Leader

I love the excitement of technology and how motivated the children are by learning tricks, techniques and shortcuts. It's great to see children amazed by the possibilities and power of technology in all its uses! Developing strong ICT skills is key for their future occupations and understanding coding techniques sets them on the path for understanding how the computer programming they enjoy in games and animation actually works, in preparation for further study at High School. I am also passionate about helping children to navigate the online world, understanding how to keep themselves safe in an ever-growing technological world. We have a regular focus on internet safety, the SMART skills and being suspicious whilst having fun online! 

Computing in Action


At Foxhill, we are DIGITAL CREATORS. We aim to prepare our children for a rapidly changing technological world. Technology is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in student’s lives. Therefore we want to model and educate pupils on how to use technology positively, creatively, responsibly and safely through our computing lessons. We aim for our students to become creators as well as consumers in the technological world, forming close bonds with Maths, English and other topics within our curriculum. Our knowledge rich curriculum is balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively and develop their skills.   We greatly value the use of technology in a safe and respectful manner. Therefore we follow the a progressive curriculum of Internet Safety in our annual E-Safety week, and as a School are committed to Internet Safety, working towards the 360° safe mark.


We implement our vision for computing through Purple Mash and the Be Safe framework, whick links to Education for a Connected World. Through the use of Purple Mash, our curriculum encompasses Computer Science (Coding), Information Technology (Use of a range of technology) and Digital Literacy (research/online safety).  The BeSafe framework for digital citizenship covers areas of digital life such as online relationships, reputation, online bullying, managing & interpreting information online, well-being, safety & security and ownership at age appropriate levels and progressing throughout School.


The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work is a comprehensive resource aligned to the National Curriculum and EYFS Framework. Early Years activities are supplemented with physical technological toys and resources to bring controlling devices to life. Within the units are opportunities for all abilities with varying levels of support from extending learning through open ended application of skills or supporting children through structured activities. It exposes pupils to a wide variety of skills, experiences and scenarios, allowing skills to be learnt, mastered and applied. Children with Special Education Needs will have the curriculum adapted according to their needs and in consultation with SENDCO where needed.


Our curriculum teaches two types of knowledge involving technology: Declarative knowledge (knowing how technology works) and Procedural knowledge (knowing how to do tasks using technology.) 


Declarative and Procedural knowledge in KS1 & KS2


"Technology is important because it creates the future. We are able to be part of the 'next'..."​

MC Hammer


‘Technology is best when it brings people together!" Matt Mullenweg


Skills Progression KS1


Skills Progression LKS2


Skills Progression UKS2


Skills Progression in EYFS


Our Internet Safety Curriculum


be safe.PNG

Retrieval Practise

Teachers use quizzes for retrieval practise of knowledge and vocabulary that has been learnt in previous lessons. 

Knowledge Organisers

Learning mat knowledge organisers contain information for children to easily access and use as a point of reference and as a means of retrieval practise.



The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.


Children will therefore be expected to leave Foxhill reaching at least age related expectations for Computing. Our Computing curriculum will also lead pupils to be enthusiastic learners, evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice and their work.

How do we know what the children have learned? 

  • Quizzing and retrieval practice

  • Verbal feedback during lessons

  • Talking to teachers

  • Low stakes ‘Drop-in’ observations

  • Pupil feedback and Teacher marking of 2Dos.

  • Progress matches the curriculum intent

  • Displayed outcomes

© 2024 by Foxhill Primary School


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